Personally I couldn't care less about who or what Tiger Woods “does”, but the media attention and hypocracy associated with it says something so pathetic about who we are as a culture, I could not let it pass without comment.
I was especially outraged by the comments made by the Augusta National Golf Chairman, Billy Payne who has the audacity to try to give Tiger a public spanking while reaping the huge financial rewards that will be a result of him playing at the Masters. “..It is not simply the degree of his conduct that is so egregious here;” he says “it is the fact that he disappointed all of us, and more important our kids and grandkids. Our hero did not live up to the expectations of the role model we saw for our children.” First of all, Billy, if Tigers' behaviour was so “egregious” why did you invite him to play at your tournament? Secondly Billy, Tiger is not a hero (defined as a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength) nor a role model to me or my two sons, he is a golfer, period. And thirdly Billy, he didn't disappoint; he did exactly what rich and powerful men have been doing since the beginning of time. The assault was on his own wife and children and that is a private matter.
This brings us to the women involved. What the hell were they thinking? He's going to leave his wife and children for them? Not bloody likely. He is so handsome and irresistable they couldn't help themselves? Come on... they were in it for the fame and maybe money, and that is just as pathetic as him marrying someone, having children with her and then acting as if he is single.
I hate to say this, but from what I know of men, it is my opinion that 90% of them would do exactly the same thing, given the opportunity (sorry to the ones that wouldn't). And , in my opinion, it's just as much womens fault because THAT'S WHO THEY'RE DOING IT WITH. If women want men to be faithful to the family, as an institution, then we ought to make a commitment to each other and refuse to to do the dirty on each other ...I'm just saying.
And finally, it's about that Nike commercial ... the most telling thing about this whole episode... Tiger's dad giving him crap from the grave.. The most compelling arguement that the Tiger is, has been, and if Nike has anything to do with it, will always be nothing but a Brand. ( constructed from birth by his father). Which might very well explain why he got married when he clearly wanted to be single and which certainly explains why the little tiger wanted to be free.
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