Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beware the Zone

A painting a week.. that was the plan, and six weeks into it, so far so good. They don' t all have to be new, because I have a few older canvas's with ideas that need another going over, but five out of the six of them are. I have done my (Malcome Gladwell) ten thousand hours so I'm pretty fast now, but a painting still takes at least thirty hours and about five hours into it I still always wonder what the hell I was thinking.

I paint smaller than I used to, for practical purposes; The studio is a little house and people barely have paintings in their homes..let alone big ones , but there's another quality of life, secret reason I paint smaller now, and that is that there's really nothing like being able to paint in my bed on any crappy Canadian weather day.. ha ha ha shhh.

The subject matter can be benign because sometimes painting should be an exercise in aesthetics, and sometimes it's benign until I see the twist, and then it isn't, and that is when I'm in the zone. The creativity zone..mmm creativity .. it's the secret to a happy life you know... no “talent” necessary. Painting has a zone too.. it happens after you “figure it out” and you can just paint.

Ultimately, in this creativity zone one painting begins to beget the next and interesting things can happen... I hope.. haha..stay tuned

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