For this political junkie elections are
a blast
I love the hoopla.. the political
discourse (I earned a degree in it you know), the anticipation, but
most of all I love the hope inherent in every election as we
collectively consider the state of our beloved Canada and exercise
the actual power of democracy ...and vote.
For the last five federal elections I
have had the privilege of helping to facilitate the vote by serving
as Financial Officer for Elections Canada in the riding now known as
Humber River Black Creek. (formally York West).
It's a whirlwind of organized chaos as
our team, under the leadership of a very competent Returning Officer,
hits the ground running to set up an office that is meant to; hire,
train and then pay some eight hundred poll workers, secure fifty or
so polling sites, make necessary changes to the elector list,
register electors and candidates... not to mention organize and
secure ballots and ballot boxes, as per the strict rules Election
Canada imposes to insure electoral accuracy. ... all while dealing
with the public.... It really is an amazing operation that I am proud
to be a part of.
Each election is it's own experience in
a different location. This time it was at the Jane and Sheppard
mall. The time flies and we go from wondering how we will utilize the
space, to perfecting how we utilize the space, right around the
time we have to deconstruct the space.
This time, with the length of the campaign, we literally went from some of the hottest days of the summer to having ice on our windshields in the morning... from having the air conditioning on to having to wear layers and use space heaters when the heat in the building failed to kick in...or some hot man had the door open.
An election is a welcome chunk of time
when this country girl gets back in touch with her city roots in
pursuit of a goal and to make some money... but only for as long as
it takes to be completely frustrated with the commute... because I really
don't know how people do that everyday.
The time leading up to the “event”
is exciting .. there are deadlines to meet every day, but hiring and
training eight hundred people is a little like herding cats and for
some strange reason it's only as the event gets close that a considerable amount suddenly realize that it really is a job, and that for one reason or another
they can't do it... and start dropping out..
Herein lies the crunch for us.. and somehow we manage it every time.
Herein lies the crunch for us.. and somehow we manage it every time.
The running joke is to be nice to Cindy because she makes sure you get paid, but the truth is that it runs much deeper than that when people come together with a common goal and a deadline (and the whole country is watching). You gel as a group.. you are in on the joke.. and you can't stop the train.
It always comes down to the teamwork..
the people ..the personalities.. the make it through the Event, and
this time was no exception. Ours was a job well done.. not
withstanding box 419 and the garbage bag incident.. (I blame
Elections Canada for inventing the carrying bag in the first place)
and I look forward to when we meet to do it all over again.
In the mean time I am glad for the internet platforms that have been invented since I started this gig that allow people to stay in touch with each other because that's the hardest part of the whole thing.. making the connections.. having the intense experience .. then having to walk away.